Blast the volume and get ready for a fusion of fire and flow. A chart-topping Russian sensation teams up with the gaming juggernaut FreeFire for an action-packed video that’s a full-throttle thrill ride with a beat. It's not just a music video, it's an explosive lyrical journey.
Music Video
Helmed by Russia's ace director Alexander Romanov and shot by the legendary Yuri Danilov, I scored the role of creative producer on this hit. We teamed up with Slava Marlow, Russia's musical sensation, and the epic game Free Fire to drop a video that's pure fire.
My role in the project
- Initial video review of the director's treatment.
- Co-wrote the script with Alexander Romanov.
- Revised and expanded all three versions of the script.
- Pre-editing projects of the music video (all versions).
- The final working version of the script for production onset.
- Technical assignment for developing the most complex FULL CG shot.
- Created a 3D animatic for the key CG scene.
- Video briefing for the CG Graphics studio, aimed at optimizing costs for CG production.
- Location scouting preparation: created a map of the shooting location with 360° photo panoramas.
- Performed photogrammetry of on-site objects and shot HDRi maps for further compositing.
- Textures of the shooting location and photo references for the CG department.
Detailed video briefing for the CG studio
A video in Russian where I delve into the details of the shooting approach for the most complex scene of the music video, explaining the technical details of the entire production process and the technical approach that made this scene feasible with the least difficulties.

I wrote three versions of a 12-page script with detailed timing for each frame in the video, along with recommendations and notes. However, this didn’t prevent the ingenious Alexander Romanov from changing many details on the spot to adapt the ideas to a complex shooting schedule and constantly changing conditions, such as sudden weather changes and so on.

Embarking on this venture offered a riveting chapter of cooperative creation. Harnessing my expertise in 3D technology, narrative craftsmanship, and production leadership, I contributed to a powerhouse ensemble of inventive minds. Our synergy culminated in a visually arresting music advertisement that not only captivated over 12 million viewers but also surpassed every performance benchmark set by our client.

In collaboration with Garena & LVL UP agency
▶ Director-Scriptwriter: Aleksandr Romanov @romanov.production
▶ Creative Producer: @Voogie
▶ Producer: Lucky Svetlana @svetlanalucky
▶ Cinematographer: Danilov Yuri @yuri_danilov
▶ Editor: Tetievskiy Ivan @tetievskiy
▶ Production Designer: Predyt Tatiana @taniapredit
▶ Casting Director: Tsibizova Izabella @izabellatsibizova
▶ Costume Designer: Sashel Coco @sashel_coco
▶ Designer: @alien_ugo
▶ Makeup Artist: Shishkova Lusya @luiloveyouKukushkina Anastasia @nastas_ku
▶ Lighting Technician: Savelev Andrey
▶ Focus Puller: Osipova Yulia @magic_yuu
▶ Technician: Aleksandr Penzev @penzev_alexsandr
▶ Transportation: @avtoakter
▶ Colorist: Smirnov Nikolay @vslprx
▶ Previs CGI Artist: @Voogie
▶ CGI: Murzazhanov Timur @nerotimvfx, Tetievskiy Ivan @tetievskiy, @t7.production, @bigbagfilms, @post_tribe
Grigory Bespalov @rotowchale, Ilyas Uzyaev @fastjt, Alexander Kalashnik @kalashn1kkk, Sergey Makhonin @makhon1n, @boompsyher, Zokhidov Davlat @dvltvfx, Nigmatulin Denis, Maxim Yarushin, Antonyuk Andrey,
Antonyuk Roman, Davidenko Nikolay, Shama Leonid, Sergey Mikhailov, Sedlerov Aleksandr, @alexandr_sedlerov
▶ Compositing Artist:
Verenkov Pavel @paul_verenkov
▶Drone Operator: Pushkin Viktor
▶ Producer's Assistant: Dmitriy Vedenin @dinevsky
▶ 2nd AC: Shayakhov Denis @denisshaiakhov
▶ Equipment: @kirillincamerarental
▶ Director-Scriptwriter: Aleksandr Romanov @romanov.production
▶ Creative Producer: @Voogie
▶ Producer: Lucky Svetlana @svetlanalucky
▶ Cinematographer: Danilov Yuri @yuri_danilov
▶ Editor: Tetievskiy Ivan @tetievskiy
▶ Production Designer: Predyt Tatiana @taniapredit
▶ Casting Director: Tsibizova Izabella @izabellatsibizova
▶ Costume Designer: Sashel Coco @sashel_coco
▶ Designer: @alien_ugo
▶ Makeup Artist: Shishkova Lusya @luiloveyouKukushkina Anastasia @nastas_ku
▶ Lighting Technician: Savelev Andrey
▶ Focus Puller: Osipova Yulia @magic_yuu
▶ Technician: Aleksandr Penzev @penzev_alexsandr
▶ Transportation: @avtoakter
▶ Colorist: Smirnov Nikolay @vslprx
▶ Previs CGI Artist: @Voogie
▶ CGI: Murzazhanov Timur @nerotimvfx, Tetievskiy Ivan @tetievskiy, @t7.production, @bigbagfilms, @post_tribe
Grigory Bespalov @rotowchale, Ilyas Uzyaev @fastjt, Alexander Kalashnik @kalashn1kkk, Sergey Makhonin @makhon1n, @boompsyher, Zokhidov Davlat @dvltvfx, Nigmatulin Denis, Maxim Yarushin, Antonyuk Andrey,
Antonyuk Roman, Davidenko Nikolay, Shama Leonid, Sergey Mikhailov, Sedlerov Aleksandr, @alexandr_sedlerov
▶ Compositing Artist:
Verenkov Pavel @paul_verenkov
▶Drone Operator: Pushkin Viktor
▶ Producer's Assistant: Dmitriy Vedenin @dinevsky
▶ 2nd AC: Shayakhov Denis @denisshaiakhov
▶ Equipment: @kirillincamerarental